AviClear is the first and original FDA-cleared energy device for the treatment of mild, moderate, and serve acne.4 Engineered with a revolutionary 1726 nm wavelength for all skin types, it selectively targets and suppresses the sebaceous glands, eliminating acne at the source without the need for prescription medications.


Treat acne at the source:

AviClear uses the power of laser light to selectively target and suppress sebaceous glands, eliminating acne at the source without the need for prescription medications.


How does acne form?

To understand how AviClear works, it’s important to understand how breakouts happen. Acne forms when sebum, the oily substance on your skin, combines with dead skin cells and clogs your pores. Most acne treatments target other things that cause acne, but not the production of sebum.


Before & afters:


Meet Aiden, an Aviclear patient:

Aiden was 2 months out from his 3rd AviClear treatment at the time of filming. Actual results may vary.




accent prime