Skin Tightening

GentleMax Pro Skin Tightening is a noninvasive treatment that uses heat and radiofrequency to tighten the skin. This treatment delivers gentle laser energy into the tissue. The skin then absorbs the energy as heat without harming the surface of the skin. The heat creates a mild healing response and responds with the production of collagen. With renewed collagen, you regain tone and elasticity in your skin, which tightens the affected area.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal produces a beam of concentrated light. The light emitted is absorbed by the pigment located in the hair follicles. The laser heats up the hair follicles to slow the ability of the follicles to regrow. During this process, we are constantly cooling and protecting the epidermis of the skin, directing the laser energy to the hair root to help remove unwanted hair.


Nordlys IPL


Male Health