PicoWay® Resolve

What is it?

Discover a laser treatment that transforms your skin from the inside out. PicoWay® Resolve is an FDA-cleared picosecond laser treatment that helps reveal the real you! The PicoWay® Resolve laser is a treatment on the PicoWay® laser system using a laser handpiece that splits a laser beam into tiny microbeams. This allows treatment of conditions like acne scars, wrinkles, and dark spots. The PicoWay® Resolve laser creates tiny open spaces, called vacuoles, under the skin where new collagen and elastin are built and can transform the skin over time.


Low to no downtime

PicoWay laser’s bold yet gentle treatment offers a low-downtime approach to skin rejuvenation for patients with light or darker skin types.

Ask your Advanced Beauty Nurse about the PicoWay® Resolve treatment today!


Fast and fewer treatments

PicoWay® laser treatments are typically brief (45 minutes) and done over a series of treatment sessions spaced weeks apart.




Picozoom 532nm-1064nm